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How To Grow Your Email List (As a Boutique Owner)

When it comes to marketing, emails can be a superpower for your boutique! A strong email list allows you to communicate directly with your people, keep them up to date on the latest promotions, and offer exclusive deals and discounts. 

But every new store starts with an email list of zero, right? So how do you even start to grow that list - and keep it growing? 

Here are 10 ways to grow your email subscriber list as an e-commerce boutique owner:

Optimize your opt-in form

Make sure your opt-in forms are visible and easy to use and that your website is mobile-friendly. (Remember, people must be able to sign-up from their phones, too!)

Also, make sure that your email opt-in doesn't pop up as someone lands on your homepage - give them a few seconds to get a feel for you first!

Give them an incentive to sign up! 

10% off their first order, a freebie with their first order or anything to make it really tempting to hand over that email!

Send a few welcome emails

Allow your customers to get to know you, your business, and what you have to offer with a short welcome series of emails. This way, they know what to expect from you. 

Send high-quality content consistently 

Share about sales and big events, but also make sure to send some non-salesy emails too, to keep things balanced. (Need ideas for non-salesly posts? We've got a list!)

Collect emails IRL

Maybe you have a B&M, and you could be adding your in-store customers to your email list? This can work for pop-ups, too!

Run Facebook ads

Use Facebook's targeting options to reach your ideal audience and direct them to your opt-in form.

Use social media

Promote your juicy discount or freebie on your social media platforms to drive traffic to your opt-in form.

Offer something exclusive

Make your email subscribers feel special by offering exclusive content, such as early access to new arrivals or super offers.

Participate in co-marketing

Partner with other businesses or influencers in your niche to reach a wider audience and attract new subscribers.

Now, of course, once you have them on your email list - the real work starts - keeping your list engaged and active and setting up your automations - that's a whole blog - and you can read it next!

Good luck growing your list, and remember, if you need help with your Shopify store - that's what we do! 

Book a chat with us!

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