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This Decade: Dream Bigger

Ok - it's the New Year!! Now what, right!?!??!

I'm definitely a big proponent of making changes + chasing big goals throughout the year (not only one day a year). However, there's still something magical about January 1st. There just freaking is! And if you want to embrace that, girl let's embrace that! Cuz even though there isn't one right perfect day to get down with evolving, there ain't no wrong day of the year either!

So how do you make the most of this high energy, we're all pumped and ready to get sh*t done, vibe that's in the air?

Well, first off let's take a minute to Celebrate!

Listen, whether 2019 was amazing or fell flat - chances are there are still some things that you should stop, reflect on and take pride in. What did you accomplish this year? What went soooooo right? What lit you up? What challenges did you overcome? Think about your personal life and your professional life (it all matters girl)!

Now be proud of that sh*t girl! You've done some hard things over the last year! It's ok to feel great about that, no matter what your current circumstance is. And if you don't celebrate yoself, ain't nobody else ever gonna do it either!

Now, let's reflect on what you want to do better in 2020!

Ok - don't call this 'what went terribly wrong in 2019!' Instead call it, what do you want to work on for a better next year of your life (and/or business)? Give yourself some grace, no use crying over spilt milk. It's onwards and upwards and this year can only be better than last if you roll up your sleeves and really put some elbow grease into whatever it is that you want to achieve.

But don't stop there, dream way bigger than that girlfriend!!

Ok - I can tell, girl! You're holding back! Listen I don't have things all figured out, and I'm well aware everything I've worked so hard for in my life and business could all go up in flames tomorrow. But I'll tell you one thing that helped me get where I am thus far and gosh dangit - if it ain't the same thing that is going to bring even more magic into my life in 2020. It's allowing myself the space to dream wayyyy bigger than I even truly thought was possible.

Around 3.5 years ago, I was rolling around in bed questioning my entire life. I was super super sick from the ramifications of an experimental tumor shrinking treatment that went terribly wrong (long story, for another day lol). I was out on disability from my 9-5 (the one I dreaded going to each morning, and not because it was a terrible job at all - it just wasn't right for me). Anyway, I was honestly scared about how long it would take me to get better so I could start being human again (going to the beach, going to costco, all the things). BUT I had an even bigger fear looming over me. And that was: getting better ONLY to go back to the life I had before where I wasn't chasing any of my dreams. So I didn't go back. I dreamed bigger than I thought was possible. And right then, I applied for my sellers permit to start my first business. And the rest is history (and also a very long story that I will share the entirety of someday too).

My point is - from struggling paycheck to paycheck, and living a life I just wasn't proud of and didn't light me up. To growing a profitable business with a team of amazing women, while traveling the freaking world? It's a blessed miracle if I've ever seen one. And at each stage of my business owner's journey (hiring my first employee, increasing my rates, expanding my team), I have had to do it all over again. The believing that something wayyyy bigger is possible for me thing.

I can't promise you that your wildest dreams are going to come true too, but I can tell you that if you want them to - well you gotta really dream them first, girl! Get them out. On paper, or speak them. And even better yet, take even one tiny little step towards making them a reality. You don't have to have all the answers now, just apply for that sellers permit or whatever the thing is for you!

OK - honestly. I hope you know I'm seriously here for you, boo. Rooting you on. I believe in you because I know that magic is real and it works for those that DARE to believe in it too.


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