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Copywriting Q&A Part 4: Should your business have a blog?

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Hello again, business owner! This is the fourth installment in our copywriting series! In this Q&A, our very own Hot Mess Head Copywriter, Jessica Rae, chatted with copywriter Alex Turner and Hot Mess Head of Marketing Rebekah Pearson about BLOGS.

It's a question we hear all the time from our website-build clients...

"Should my business have a blog?"

Let's dive in!


Does your online store need a blog?

Well, the short answer is yes. Quality written content is an excellent way to build rapport with your customers and show off your expertise. But there is a BUT...

You need to ask yourself whether your ideal customer is reading blogs. Because if they aren't, and they're actually spending all their time on Tik Tok - you instead need to focus your attention there. If it doesn't suit your brand - don't blog. That's okay too!

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You should never be writing just to fill space, so don't just begrudgingly produce content because you feel like you have to.

Write because you have something to say - something that will educate, inspire or entertain YOUR people. Use your blog to link back to your brand story and build rapport and trust.

Benefits of blogging for your business:

  • A place to educate, inspire or entertain your audience
  • It helps build rapport, authority, and trust
  • Creates new pages for Google to index and improve your SEO
  • Keeps your brand top of mind
  • Great place to answer customers' questions
  • Expand SEO further with keywords

What should you write about?

Knowing your audience is the key to creating quality blog content.

To create quality blog content, you need to know your target audience.

What questions do they have about your products? What are they passionate about? What do they want to learn to do? What are they afraid of, or what are they struggling with?

Need help? Get it!

Okay, so you've decided, yes, you want to blog, but maybe you're not exactly the world's most creative writer. Or perhaps you'd like to publish a blog or two every month, but you just don't have the time now.

It's okay to ask for help. We get it - no one can wear all the hats all the time.

So look around you first. Do you perhaps have an employee passionate about your business to whom you could delegate the writing?

Maybe even a super enthusiastic family member or friend could help you out?

Your other option is to just take the pressure off yourself and hire a copywriter to create blogs. Business and conversion writing is their area of expertise, and trust us, they are worth every penny.

Final thoughts: Prepare to play the long game

Building a quality blog takes time, so don't hope for overnight success. Blogs are a long game, and if you give up too soon, you'll lose out.

Remember that it's all about showing up consistently in front of your audience, so they come to expect you.

If you need another reason to start blogging, here it is: Brands that blog generate 67% more leads!

Stay committed if you want to reap the rewards - we know you've got this!

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