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Is Shopify the Right Choice for Your Business?

Shopify is a major player in e-commerce and powers approximately 4.4 million websites in 175 countries worldwide. But it’s not the only choice for business owners.

So you’re wondering about Shopify and whether it’s the right choice for you.

Whether you already have a business or want to start one, you want to take your products online and reach more people. Reach for those stars, yes! But now you need to choose an e-commerce platform, and with the success of your business possibly riding on this decision, you’re overwhelmed by all the choices!

You’ve heard about Shopify and need to know if it will suit your needs. That’s where we come in today!

We’ve worked with over 2,500 website brand and build clients, and most of those projects were Shopify builds (we work with CommentSold too, just FYI!). So we know a thing or two about Shopify and its capabilities.

Let’s get into it!

Why we recommend Shopify

Shopify was created for E-commerce business owners. That means it was built specifically for the unique needs and challenges of e-commerce businesses, putting it ahead of other platforms designed for bloggers, podcasters, or service providers.

Shopify can help you grow your revenue and give customers the best experience. It’s endlessly customizable, which is why we use Shopify for Hot Mess website too! Shopify knows what they are doing, and they are good at it - and FYI - their customer support is great too.

Shopify is easy to use, even for absolute beginners. It’s the most simple e-commerce platform out there. And we’re talking about the backend, my friends, not just the on-page browsing or checkout experience. This is about what you’re going to need to do daily.

Uploading products is easy - you can do it individually or even upload a spreadsheet. There are also just a lot of resources available around Shopify, and you won’t find quite as many around some of the other platforms, making it easier.

But just from a technical standpoint, that also means that when you need help, you will find more people available to help you with this platform.

Also, you don’t necessarily need to be a coding developer to use Shopify and build your store.

(Of course, we have a coding developer because when you’re really getting into advanced customization on your website, you definitely need a developer.) Still, even just straight out of the box, there are dozens of themes that work for most users.

The key point here is that having something simple will save you so much time and energy down the road, and you’ll need that for running your business, not spinning your wheels trying to fix up your website.

Shopify is also next-level robust. This goes back to the fact that they are e-commerce first, so they’ve done a lot in terms of partnerships.

So whether it’s the choice of really stable themes to speak your brand, apps that are available to do a neat little function you want, or offering the payment options you want, or your email marketing - you can trust Shopify has some really great integrations.

And if Shopify doesn’t already offer that service themselves, they can likely integrate pretty seamlessly with a third party that can. And the beauty is, it’s all designed with you as the business or store owner in mind, and your customer too.

Reasons to choose Shopify

  • Extremely straightforward and convenient tool for beginners
  • Provides detailed analytics on the people visiting your page

  • Allows you to list your products on multiple platforms (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Google, or Walmart Marketplace) and manage all your orders from the same dashboard

  • Offers great POS integrations

  • Sophisticated built-in inventory management software 

  • SEO and email marketing are built-in

  • Tax calculation and financial tracking tools are available

  • Supports multi-currency selling

  • Safe for both business owners and customers with Level 1 PCI DSS compliance and extra helpful tools to keep you safe

Are there any downsides to Shopify?

  • No free version
  • Limited native features for service-based businesses

  • Limited staff accounts on lower plans

  • Adding custom changes requires some knowledge of Liquid, (and coding isn’t for everyone!)

  • Limited reporting and analytics capabilities on lower plans

Other platforms might do individual aspects better, but taken as a whole, we find Shopify is a lot smoother and easier to use; it’s intuitive and robust, and in the long term, that will save you so much time and avoid so many headaches and heartaches.

So to wrap up!

Shopify is a good choice for you if:

Your business sells and ships physical products.

You’re a high-volume seller managing multiple warehouse locations and many orders.

You want to be able to list your products on multiple platforms and manage all of their orders from the same dashboard.

You need a robust website that is easy to manage.

You want to customize your website, choose your own themes, apps, and integrations.

You’re very particular about how your site looks aesthetically.

Your marketing is a bit more advanced: i.e, you are running Facebook ads and want to do proper retargeting.



Ready to go all the eff in and build your e-commerce EMPIRE with Shopify?

Our Signature Branding + Web Design Package will empower you to:
⭐ Capture your one-of-a-kind magic and unique vision for your boutique
⭐ Create an irresistible shopping experience for your online visitors
⭐ Launch an online boutique that is both stunningly beautiful and optimized for sales!

We create online stores that resonate with your ideal customer, delight them every time, and keep them coming back for more!  

We've helped 2,500+ boutique owners bring their visions to life—and you could be next!


Start today with an obligation-free demo call!

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