Quarterly Self-Care Day Form

Policy Reminder:

  • Employees and contractors (that work at least 40 hours per month) are eligible for 1 self-care day every quarter. New employees/contractors are eligible on their second quarter with Hot Mess. 
  • This includes:
    • 1 paid day off (8 hours for a full time employee, 4 hours for a contractor or part-time employee).
    • Re-Imbursement of $100 (contractor or part-time) or $200 (full-time 32+ hours per week) for your activities on your self care day. 
    • This day should be a true self-care day, no kids (unless perhaps your kids are part of your self-care), no responsibilities. Send in your receipt for re-imbursement. Ideas: spa day, a shopping spree w/lunch, movie hopping. Do something fun. You deserve it!
    • These self care days do NOT roll over, they must be used each quarter and submitted for re-reimbursement before quarter end, or forfeited.